Due to the approval of Royal Decree 235/2013 of April 5, the basic procedure for the Certification of Energy Efficiency of Buildings is approved, in which it is stipulated that, through a competent technician, a Certificate of Energy Efficiency will be made.
When renting or selling a property (except garages and storerooms and special cases with buildings with a surface less than 50 m² physically isolated, or those whose use or rental is less than 4 months a year or for a limited time a year and with an estimated energy consumption of less than 25% and officially protected buildings and monuments, buildings or part of them used as places of worship and religious activities, buildings that are purchased for major renovations or demolition, industrial and agricultural buildings or parts thereof, in the part destined to workshops, industrial, defense and non-residential agricultural processes).
We take care of looking for the best professional to do this work and request the final label.
If you need advice for the rental of your property, leave us your details and we will contact you as soon as possible.